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The Global Soul: Imagining the Cosmopolitan

Copley Formal Lounge and Gaston Hall, Georgetown University 37th and O Streets NW, Washington

The Lannan Center for Poetics and Social Practice presents a two-day symposium, "The Global Soul: Imagining the Cosmopolitan," in collaboration with the Bath Spa Centre for Transnational Creativity and Education. Participants include John Freeman, Xiaolu Guo, Aleksandar Hemon, Kapka Kassabova, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Taiye Selasi, and Kamila Shamsie. Today it seems as if the world is in the midst of multiple national identity crises—countries are in retreat from the global, withdrawing behind closing borders. In times of heightened political tension, identity as nationhood becomes an either/or question. What are you? Are you with us or against us? So where does that […]

The Global Soul: Imagining the Cosmopolitan

Copley Formal Lounge and Gaston Hall, Georgetown University 37th and O Streets NW, Washington

The Lannan Center for Poetics and Social Practice presents a two-day symposium, “The Global Soul: Imagining the Cosmopolitan,” in collaboration with the Bath Spa Centre for Transnational Creativity and Education. Participants include John Freeman, Xiaolu Guo, Aleksandar Hemon, Kapka Kassabova, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Taiye Selasi, and Kamila Shamsie. Today it seems as if the world is in the midst of multiple national identity crises—countries are in retreat from the global, withdrawing behind closing borders. In times of heightened political tension, identity as nationhood becomes an either/or question. What are you? Are you with us or against us? So where does that […]

Jeffrey Herf — “Undeclared Wars with Israel: East Germany and the West German Far Left, 1967–1989”

Francis Scott Key Hall, Room 2120 University of Maryland, College Park

Jeffrey Herf presents his book Undeclared Wars with Israel: East Germany and the West German Far Left, 1967–1989 (Cambridge University Press, 2016), which examines a spectrum of antagonism by the East German government and West German radical leftist organizations, ranging from hostile propaganda and diplomacy to military support for Israel's Arab armed adversaries, from 1967 to the end of the Cold War in 1989. Herf provides new insights into the West German radicals who collaborated in "actions" with Palestinian terrorist groups, and confirms that East Germany, along with others in the Soviet Bloc, had a much greater impact on the […]

Jenna Weissman Joselit — “Set in Stone: America’s Embrace of the Ten Commandments”

Woodrow Wilson Center, 6th Floor Moynihan Board Room 1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington

For the Washington History Seminar, Jenna Weissman Joselit presents her book Set in Stone: America's Embrace of the Ten Commandments (Oxford University Press, 2016), which recasts the cultural impact of the Ten Commandments in American society not as a legal code or theological imperative, but as a physical, material, and visual phenomenon. Through a series of vignettes, her account explores Indian burial mounds in 19th-century Ohio to the sand dunes of 1920s California and into the civic squares of the 1950s to reveal the centrality of the Ten Commandments to the nation's identity. Joselit is the Charles E. Smith Professor of Judaic Studies […]